Why is there a big difference in the prices of electric induction hobs?

October 18, 2023

We are often asked to explain what sets our GN Espace induction hobs apart from others, particularly when there is such a noticeable price difference between the one and two-zone ‘starter’ hobs available from budget stores and our own marine grade hobs like the 2 Zone Built-In HE103 model and the rest of our electric induction hob and cooker range.

What is the most noticeable difference?

Aside from the noticeable features and functions like the sturdy sea rails, and the bridging function which joins two heat zones into one for larger pots, there is a particular characteristic which the consumer might not be aware of, that of heat flow to the pot.  To give the best cooking results heat needs to be constant and fully adjustable throughout, from a low simmering setting to maximum. Less expensively produced induction hobs achieve the selected temperature by repeatedly cycling through the on and off-only setting, where the hob turns itself on to maximum and off again, to produce an average heat at any temperature setting, giving somewhat compromised cooking results.  The more sophisticated electronic system of a premium hob, like those manufactured by GN Espace, instead ensures smooth temperature control right through from zero to max and gives the best possible controllability and cooking results.

GN Espace offers three handy pre-set instant temperature level functions at 44, 74 and 94 degrees centigrade.

Do I need to pay more for a safer tougher hob?

GN Espace hobs use 4mm thick Schott CERAN ceramic glass to ensure the highest level of safety and durability, rather than ordinary toughened glass used by other models.  Plus, our induction hobs are built to be used day in day out, over a reliable ten years or more of life, where budget models are primarily intended only for occasional use.

Will I save money on energy if I spend a bit more up front?

Our Smart Energy Management System (SEMS) features on all our induction hobs.  Yachts are often in situations and locations where available electricity is limited, so it needs to be used prudently.  During our detailed R&D we have fine-tuned our appliances to use 25-30% less electricity than standard domestic equivalents, while maintaining uncompromising cooking results.  The SEMS works by giving priority to the most recently activated hob zone, for example the one which you want to bring to the boil, and lowers the power to the other zones which are already likely to be on a lower simmer setting.  This way the electrical consumption is optimised to give the best cooking results in the shortest period of time.

How can I find out more?

To check out more advantages of GN Espace’s induction hobs and cookers including their super-efficient energy consumption take a look at our cooker range

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